BIG news!
Literally...I was in the news.
Last night a segment was aired on the Seattle news station, King5, featuring Autumn Veatch and ME! It is still a bit surreal, and I have only watched it about ten times (so far), but I'm pretty sure it really happened and that it wasn't a dream. ;)
Here, see for yourself!
Link to video click and article on King5 News
In it, we talk about what life has been like for Autumn, since the crash on July 11, 2015, and about the book (short story) I just released, Getting Out Alive, The Autumn Veatch Story. I wrote this based on a very long, personal interview I had with Autumn in late August. I originally released it here on my blog, but after getting several requests for a 'hard' copy, I spoke with Autumn's father, David Veatch. He and Autumn were all for the idea of publishing the short story in both ebook and paperback format on Amazon. The ebook is only .99 and the paperback is 6.95. I would have liked to have priced the paperback for less, but because of production costs, there is understandably a minimum price point on Amazon. However, since 80% of all proceeds are going to Autumn, I feel that most people won't mind. Just remember, if you purchase it, that it's small! At 40 pages, it is around a one-hour read, but it does have a professional cover design and formatting. It also includes some pictures of Autumn with friends and family, as well as the terrain she was in during the ordeal.

The response to this news story has been....well, pretty dang amazing. Funny, how the first thing that stood out to me while watching the video, was when the reporter called me an author. I think back to when I was a young girl, around eight, and I decided that one day I wanted to BE an author. To hear the title attached to my name on national television was a bit of an epiphany.
I hope that sales do well for Autumn's sake, and that the general consensus on my writing style is good. :)
If you would like to pick up your own copy, here is the link! And thank you for your support. Be sure to leave a comment, because I love to interact with readers!!!
Some pictures documenting the Experience!
The 'set-up'
Autumn and I with King5 reporter, Heather Graf
Had to get a selfie with Autumn!! :)